FABFRIZ EDUCATIONBecause, learning should never be boring

FABFRIZ EDUCATIONBecause, learning should never be boring


Now, Let’s Book a Fun Day! 

Fill in message box below, text or call : 615-440-3715 to schedule an educational experience today! 

Pricing and Information: 


  • Tent Adventures: $320.00  Ages: 2 and up 
  • Infant/Toddler Story Play Times: $250.00  Ages: infants and up 
  • ** Smaller schools contact me for special pricing if there’s a need** 
  • Elementary School Visit, Tent Adventure: Jungle Exploration learning reading and writing skills: $875.00 from 9:00am-2:00pm
  • An additional travel fee may be added for locations outside of an hour  from Brentwood TN, 37027
  • Each adventure/play time is very interactive, so up to 22 students per play time. 
  • Each adventure/play time is approximately 30 minutes.
  • A different space other than the classroom is preferred for events, Tent adventures must have a space for a 10 x 10 x 10 tent. 
  • ** pricing reflects a normal visit of 3-5 adventures, if more students, an additional fee maybe added, call  or email to discuss** 


  • Pricing depends upon the workshop and number of participants 
  • Additional travel fee may apply for locations more than one hour from Brentwood TN 37027. 
  • Workshops can be adjusted to apply to preschool through elementary, and a variety of subjects. 
  • All are very engaging and active!  Please contact for a specific quote about your needs!  


1. Name and school address

2. Titles of adventure/story play times

3. A few dates of your choice 

4. How many classes, number of students in each

5. Start time 

Contact by Email